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Many European countries have adopted national programs aimed to reduce emissions, Ejercicios de Matemática Empresarial

Asignatura: Matematiques economiques i, Profesor: CARMEN ALDEOLMILLOS, Carrera: Economia, Universidad: UB

Tipo: Ejercicios


Subido el 10/07/2018

sergio_franques 🇪🇸

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¡Descarga Many European countries have adopted national programs aimed to reduce emissions y más Ejercicios en PDF de Matemática Empresarial solo en Docsity! Many European countries have adopted national programs aimed to reduce emissions. Several policies and measures have also been adopted through a worldwide level through the European Program on Climate Change, including: • Increase the use of renewable energies and combined heat and power plants. • Improvements in energy efficiency, for example, in buildings, in industry, in household appliances. • Reduction of carbon dioxide emissions in new passenger cars. • Reduction measures in the industrial sector. • Measures to reduce emissions from landfills. In March 2007, the leaders of the EU created a plan on climate change and energy to limit greenhouse gas emissions, by at least 20% in 2020 and achieve the objective that the total consumption of primary energy in the EU is renewable. In January 2008, the European Commission proposed a new energy and climate package to achieve the emission reduction target. Various sectors, such as agriculture, transport and construction, and all the member states must comply their role and contribute to European objectives in accordance with their respective financial capacities. The United States abandoned the Paris agreement in August 2017. Trump said that abandoning the Paris agreement will help the oil and coal industries in his country and generate jobs. The effects that this output could generate are: • The United States generates a large source of financing and technology in underdeveloped countries, it also contributes around 15% of the world's carbon emissions. • World business leaders are not satisfied. • It is unlikely that the carbon will position itself again. • US emissions will continue to fall. The development of renewables in China is quite huge: in 2016, the installed power of photovoltaic energy increased by 80% and wind power by 12% compared to the previous year. China absorbed 48% of the new photovoltaic solar capacity worldwide and 15% of the wind. China's participation is crucial, being the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, followed by the USA. Finally, China accepted the commitment and sealed the Paris agreement, which was preceded by the agreement reached between the presidents of both countries.
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