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Orientación Universidad

actividades economia tema 12, Ejercicios de Economía

Asignatura: economia 1, Profesor: 1º ADE, Carrera: Administración y dirección de empresas, Universidad: URJC

Tipo: Ejercicios


Subido el 06/03/2018

luisodli11 🇪🇸

33 documentos

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¡Descarga actividades economia tema 12 y más Ejercicios en PDF de Economía solo en Docsity! A12.9 1. An indirect tax is a tax class or tax levied by an economic agent is generally not pay or who ultimately bears the tax burden . In other words , physical or intermediary entity (usually a company) who pays the tax collecting agent , affects all or much of the amount of the tax on who is the ultimate consumer ( eg , increasing the effective sales price ) Direct taxes are mainly personal income tax, the tax on non-resident income , the Tax Equity and corporate income tax or inheritance and gift . They are applied to the economic capacity of people and many of them are scalable, based on the same economic capacity 2. progressive tax, when to greater gain or income , the higher the percentage of tax base. Regressive tax , when to greater gain or higher income , the lower the percentage of taxes to be paid on total taxable income. 3. Deflation oversupply situation that can lead to a generalized decline in prices or an economic downturn. A12.10 A12.11 1. Tax, progressive, lunchers 2. Taxation, fairnes, expenditure. 3. Underground, discentive, insurace 4. Laudering, cars 5. Revenue, profits, havents A12.12 1. True 2. True 3. False 4. False 5. False 6. True
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